Lotus land について / About [LOTUS LAND]

Public Naeseorak Art Museum 小原典子展

강원도 인제군 북면 한계리 1191-12

Public Naeseorak Art Museum
Noriko Obara

Lotus Land


Lotus Land
“Lotus” is a generic term for the lotus plant and the water lily (etymologically-speaking, “lotus” is Greek for “water lily.”). By adding the word “Land,” the meaning changes to an “intriguing place” or a “paradise on earth,” like a Shangri-La.
I heard that the veins of a lotus leaf are designed to circulate water efficiently, and they have the layout of an ideal city.
“Where is utopia?” I interviewed different kinds of people about where we can find a utopia.
Most of them gave familiar places, although their answers varied. Some said that it is a place that doesn’t exist in the present, but is often somewhere that you only recognize later, or that appears obscure in your daily life.
There are moments when familiar scenery turns into something special, depending on your emotional circumstances.
People collect these moments as memories and store them in their memory system.
In this work, the leaf veins represent a map for discovering a utopia, and as spectators read the maps, they find milestones that lead them to the next utopia.